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We had this amazing project where students were to talk about different topics. Other than that, it was very educational. The first presenter was Ari Agop and his topic was “Inside the Internet:  A webmaster or a trapped man This is a very actual topic so it was interesting. It was focused on how some people use the Internet as a tool to grow as an individual or they get addicted and become a trapped man. Then we moved to the next topic which was also connected to the Internet. It was presented by Yana Khachatryan and her topic was about “The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Blessing or Curse?”.

AI is getting developed day by day. It can help doctors to analyze medical images faster and more accurately and make education more accessible. But it also can replace people, causing them to become jobless. The future of AI is one of the most discussed topics nowadays so it was interesting to listen. Next speakers were Mane Mkrtchyan and Ani Gyozalyan .Their topic was “Talking to yourself”. They represented theories about why people do that, and in the end, we had a really captivating discussion. Next in turn were Areg Hakobyan and Arsen Gyozlyan. Their topic was “The questions no one knows the answers to”.They talked about questions that people have been discussing for a long time, for example ‘Which came first, egg or chicken?”. We also had a discussion, and a lot of students expressed their opinions of every question. I was the next to present and I talked about “Why do people immigrate?”.I talked about problems and causes of immigration.   Max Avetisyan spoke about  “Philosophy of making money”.He talked about how people made money and became one of the richest people.Max also stated his philosophy of making money. Relaxation was provided by Seda Margaryan’s topic about .“The influence of music on Mood”.She talked about different types of music and how it affects our brain. At the end of her speech, we listened to different genres of music. We live in a society that is littered with different opinions. Anahit Vermishyan talked about  “The impact of social opinion” Besides talking about how impactful is social opinion we also had an experiment that proved that theory. Watch out when you use words because words have power. Aniela Havanjian talked about “The power of words”. All in all, we had a lively open lesson with interesting and motivational ideas.

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