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Assignment 08.04.2024

  • Family-dynasty, descendant, paternal grandfather, ancestor, distant relative
  • Politics– Prime Minister, Chancellor, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, House of Lords, speech, orator
  • War-general, battle, soldier
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Biography of Rosa Park

In the bustling city of Montgomery, Alabama, amidst the oppressive air of segregation, there lived a woman named Rosa Parks. She was not just any woman; she was a quiet, unassuming seamstress with a fierce determination burning within her.

As the day dawned on December 1, 1955, Rosa boarded the bus after a long day of work. Little did she know, this ordinary act would spark an extraordinary revolution. The bus, like all public spaces in Montgomery, was divided. Whites sat in the front, while Blacks were relegated to the back, and the seats in between were reserved for whites if needed.

As the bus filled up, Rosa found herself in one of those seats, the boundary that marked the racial divide. But when the white section became full, the driver demanded that Rosa and three other African American passengers vacate their seats.

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Regret as a Catalyst for Change: Transforming Past Mistakes into Future Success (Essay)

Regret is when we feel bad about things we’ve done or decisions we’ve made in the past. But instead of just feeling bad, regret can actually help us grow and do better in the future. Here’s how.First, we have to admit when we feel regret. It’s important to face it and not ignore it.Next, we can learn from our mistakes. That means looking at what went wrong and figuring out how we can do things differently next time.Sometimes, our mistakes affect other people. In those cases, it’s important to say sorry or make things right.Regret can also push us to set new goals for ourselves. It makes us think about what we really want and how we can get there.When we face regret, it’s important to be strong and not give up. We can bounce back from our mistakes and keep going.Lastly, forgiving ourselves is key. We need to let go of the guilt and shame so we can move forward.In the end, regret can be a good thing. It helps us learn and grow, so we can be more successful in the future.

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Video:Why we see color

In his talk, Beau Lotto, a scientist who studies how our brains understand colors, shares some fascinating insights. He explains that colors are crucial because they help us tell things apart. For instance, if two objects reflect the same amount of light, but one reflects more of certain types of light, our brains perceive them as different colors.

Lotto challenges the idea that our brains see the world as it really is. Instead, he suggests that our brains evolved to interpret relationships and meanings, rather than absolute truths. This means that what we see is more about how our brains interpret information, rather than what’s actually out there.

He also discusses how our brains categorize colors. While we can perceive millions of shades, our brains categorize them into just four main groups: red, green, blue, and yellow. Everything else is a combination of these basic colors.

Lotto believes that understanding how our brains perceive color can help us in many ways. It can make us more creative, compassionate, and courageous. By learning about color perception, we might also learn more about how our brains work in general.

Posted in Անգլերեն 11

Machanents House

Machanents Guest House, Vagharshapat – Updated 2024 Prices

Machanents House in Ejmiatsin, Armenia, is not only a historic mansion but also a cultural hub and a gastronomic destination. This magnificent mansion, dating back to the 19th century, was the residence of a wealthy Armenian merchant named Alexander Mantashyan, commonly known as “Machanents,” which translates to “merchant” in Armenian.

With its unique blend of architectural features, including intricate carvings, decorative elements, and ornate design, Machanents House stands as a testament to Armenian architectural prowess and heritage. It served not only as a residence for the Mantashyan family but also as a center for social gatherings and cultural events within the community.

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